Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sometimes it's  hard to accept where you find yourself in life, particularly when you think you can improve your situation.

Especially when you know you're entirely responsible for your current circumstances and had you been just a little  more disciplined, observant, careful or whatever, your undesirable experiences could have been avoided.

Of course hindsight is always 20/20 and your inner critic is always ready to point out what you "shoulduh, woulduh, coulduh"done.

It's at these moments when we must be ever so diligent not to heed the chronic, incessant, bully residing in our heads but to remember the hero that we've had to be in order to reach this point in our lives.

I mean, heck, we have to be doing something right. We're still here and let's face it, not everyone  can say that.

Instead of lamenting what we think should be, I like to remember how great everything is simply because I'm still here to see it and be part of whatever "it" is.

Yes, I may not be perfect and I may make mistakes but I'm a work in progress and consider everyday  an opportunity to enjoy my journey.